

The 金融援助 Office at 皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院 is available to assist students in applying for all types of financial assistance; including grants, work study opportunities, 退伍军人福利,奖学金和学生贷款. 


2024-2025年FAFSA现已开放! 访问 联邦学生资助 to complete 你r application for the next academic year!

2024-2025年WAFSA现已开放! 访问 WSAC to complete 你r application for the next academic year! 


Click On The Buttons Below To View Additional Important 皇冠8868会员登录 & 公告

皇冠8868会员登录谷学院wards scholarships to approximately 200 students annually. 金额不等,最高可达全额 学费. 奖学金申请可以在网上申请 WVC AwardSpring. 申请每季度开放一次. 有关奖学金的更多信息,请点击 在这里

WVC contracts with Loan Science to help students successfully manage their loans. Loan Science can help 你 track down the specific details of 你r loan to create a 适合你的还款计划. 在那里 are several convenient repayment plans available 和 we’ll help 你 select the one that’s right for 你r unique situation.




Please beware of 和 avoid scholarship scams 和 fee-based scholarship services. 在那里 is no reason to pay for lists of scholarships or pay someone to complete the FAFSA. By completing the Free Application for 联邦学生资助 (FAFSA) 你 will automati呼叫y be considered for most federal 和 state aid 和 all funds that 皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院 提供了.

*电话 & 信诈骗*:  We have recently been made aware of students receiving phone 呼叫s 和 official looking letters asking for personal information (SID, SSN, bank account number, FSA 身份证等.) in relation to their financial aid 和 student loans.  WVC建议 你 从来没有 give out 你r student ID, SSN or bank account information to unsolicited contacts, even if they have other information such as an estimated amount of 你r student loans.  

* *重要提醒:   WVC nor BankMobile will ever initiate a phone 呼叫 to 你 to ask for 你r account information or social security number or to set 你 up for Direct Deposit.  WVC建议 你 从来没有 give out 你r bank account or other personal information over the phone on an unsolicited 呼叫.

皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院 contracts with BankMobile to provide disbursement of Financial 援助基金.

 In order for students to receive their financial aid funds they will need to sign 选择以下选项之一:

  • 电子存款到您的个人银行账户 or
  • 电子存款到银行移动账户 or
  •  邮寄给您的纸质支票 .

 All financial aid eligible students will be mailed an enrollment kit by BankMobile 和 will be asked to select a refund delivery preference from the options listed above. 以下是你需要做的:

1. 更新邮寄地址

BankMobile will mail a Refund Selection Kit to the current address 你 have on file 与注册处联络. If 你’re not sure that we have 你r current mailing address, please take a moment to check 你r MyWVC portal or contact the 登记 Office at 509 682 6806.

2. 请参阅退款选择套件

Mailing of Refund Selection Kits is done by BankMobile.  它将包括皇冠8868会员登录 山谷学院标志. 

3. 访问RefundSelection.来做你的选择

一旦你的装备到了,就去 RefundSelection.com 然后输入你的个人密码开始. 然后选择你想要的方式 收钱.  

欲了解更多信息,请访问 BankMobileDisbursements.com/how-it-works 或致电509 682 6810与财政援助办公室联系. 

* *重要提醒:   WVC nor BankMobile will ever initiate a phone 呼叫 to 你 to ask for 你r account information or social security number or to set 你 up for Direct Deposit.  WVC建议 你 从来没有 give out 你r bank account or other personal information over the phone on an unsolicited 呼叫.

你 must have an FSA-ID to provide 你r tax information on the Free Application for 联邦学生援助(FAFSA®).

Tax information will be drawn down directly from the IRS.

In certain cases, 你 may be asked to verify 你r tax information.

   2024 -25年FAFSA:使用2022年纳税申报表的数据.

你 should always retain a copy of 你r tax return, either electroni呼叫y or on paper, 把它放在安全的地方.

If 你 did not keep a copy of 你r tax return, 在这里 are some options:

  1. 访问 the tax software product 你 used to prepare 和 file 你r tax return.  你 may be able to access 你r account to download/print a copy.

  2. 联系 the tax preparer/provider who filed 你r return if 你 used a tax professional.

  3. 下载你的税务记录(摘要) 皇冠8868会员登录获取成绩单.  Review the rigorous identity authentication requirements for 安全访问 在尝试注册之前.

  4. 使用 邮寄成绩单 和 a transcript will be mailed to the address on 你r return within five to 10 days.

  5. Call our automated line at 800-908-9946 to order a transcript by mail.
    If 你 filed an amended tax return, Form 1040X, 你 should use the adjusted gross income 和 earned income listed on 你r revised tax return.

有关FAFSA流程的更多信息,请参见 www.studentaid.政府. 有关IRS成绩单的更多信息,请参见 获取成绩单常见问题.

应用:  申请经济资助,请填写 FAFSA 皇冠8868会员登录(http://studentaid.政府 /). 你需要我们学校的密码,就是 003801.  有关你tube视频的帮助,请访问 如何填写FAFSA. 记住,你必须每年重新申请.

2023 - 2024 FAFSA: 从2023年秋季到2024年夏季.
2024 - 2025 FAFSA: 从2024年秋季到2025年夏季.

资格: 有资格获得经济援助的学生必须 承认登记 in an eligible degree or certificate program at 皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院.  个人 enhancement courses, short term certificates or non degree programs are not eligible 申请经济援助. Check with the 金融援助 Office to see if 你r program qualifies. Once 你 have completed the FAFSA, we will contact 你 regarding 你r eligibility 和地位.  请参阅我们的 沟通 查看更多信息.  

处理时间 经济资助通常是2 - 4周.  我们建议学生全部交上来 documentation necessary for review 和 packaging no later than six-eight weeks before their start term - this allows sufficient time for processing 和 communication from 我们的办公室给学生. 


The 金融援助 Office is available to assist 你 with 你r questions by 变焦, phone or email M-F 8am-5pm, as well as in person during office hours.

电话:  您可以通过以下方式与我们联系 509-682-6810.  We may not be able to answer all phone 呼叫s, but if 你 do not reach a staff member, 请留言. If 你 leave a voicemail please include 你r name, CTC ID, phone number 和 why 你 are contacting the financial aid office, so we can research 你的问题在给你回电话之前.

电子邮件:   您也可以将问题和填写好的表格发送至

处理时间 for the 2023-24 year is two-four weeks depending on what documents 学生需要报到并办理手续.

Omak校园:  The drop box on the Omak campus is located by the library entrance of Wendell George 大厅,北面停车场.  


If 你 have any questions or problems regarding submission of forms 和 documents , please contact us 和 we will be happy to assist 你.









星期六至星期日: 关闭


电话: (509) 682-6810

电子邮件: financialaid@sciencehong.com

传真: (509) 682-6811

